About Tuberous Breast Correction
Tuberous Breast Correction is a highly skilled plastic surgery technique that we’ve developed at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre for the correction of tuberous breasts.
“Tubular breasts” is the name of a developmental breast condition that affects the size and shape of the breasts. Tuberous breasts are cone-shaped due to tight fibers in the breast tissues that affect development and are also associated with a wide chest, large spacing between the breasts, short lower pole, breast droopiness, asymmetry, and large puffy areola.
Because the underlying anatomy of the breasts is affected differently from patient to patient, a detailed analysis of the breast anatomy is important. It is also important to recognize this condition since the surgery to correct it is technically challenging and requires a high level of experience, expertise, and skill.
Depending on the amount of asymmetry tuberous breast correction surgery is performed as a single surgery or as a two-stage surgery.
For the majority of patients, at the AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we are able to perform tuberous breast correction as a single staged surgery and we have developed a special technique that creates a round breast shape with improved symmetry, improvement of breast droopiness, and nipple position size and shape.
This single staged procedure involves the placement of a breast implant, a peri areolar mastopexy, and an incision of internal breast fibers that are constricting the breast.
When it comes to breast implant sizing, this is something that we will review with you in great detail prior to surgery and we will do at least 2 sizing exercises where you try on implants in a non-padded bra to see how they look on your frame.
We have also developed a special formula for implant selection for tuberous breast correction that we will discuss with you.
- Before Procedure
- During Procedure
- Results & Recovery
Good to Know Before Tuberous Breast Correction
If you have tubular breasts it is critical to have your surgery performed by a plastic surgeon who is experienced in tubular breast correction surgery. Traditional cosmetic surgery for breast augmentation will not fully correct tubular breasts and just placing an implant will result in a double bubble or persistence of the cone shape on top of the implant.
What Happens During Tuberous Breast Correction
For your comfort and safety, tuberous breast correction will be performed under general anesthesia. During the surgery, I place a numbing solution in your breasts so you will not feel pain even though you are under anesthesia.
Tubular breast correction surgery sometimes happens in two separate surgeries, but for most of our patients, we can do it in once. The surgery may take 5 to 6 hours depending on complexity, anatomy, and incision. We will make an around the areola and then create a precise pocket for the implant. We take extreme care to be very gentle and to keep the pocket clean with little to no bleeding during tuberous breast correction. Internal fibers are carefully cut and the breast tissues are shaped to make them look rounder.
We create and test the pocket using a temporary sizer which is a replica of the implant used for adjustments, and then when both pockets are symmetric and perfect, the entire field will be re-prepped for final implant placement. The implants will be placed using a no-touch technique. After the implants are placed, the peri areolar lift will be performed where excess areola and breast skin is removed and then lifted, re-shaped, and re-sized and the breast is contoured to create a rounder, perkier shape.
The final incision closure around the areola is done precisely and meticulously to create the best possible scar. At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we take extreme pride in our attention to detail with every single step of tuberous breast correction surgery.
Tuberous Breast Correction Recovery & Results: What to Expect
We have developed a special tuberous breast correction technique that has minimal pain and a quick recovery. You will feel tightness and some soreness in the breast area and there will be swelling. The swelling lasts about a month for smaller implants and a little longer for larger implants. It takes a full 4-6 months for the tissues to stretch and the implants to “drop” into their final shape or position.
If you experience any discomfort after Tuberous Breast Correction, Tylenol is typically all that is needed. You will need to minimize arm movement for about 2 weeks and you will wear a supportive bra for 2 months after surgery. This is something we will measure and provide for you here at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre.
Most of our patients feel almost back to normal around 1 week after their tuberous breast correction surgery. Moderate exercise such as walking or stationary biking is allowed after two weeks. Vigorous exercise such as jogging may be resumed after 4 weeks. You will most likely be able to return to work within a few days depending on your everyday duties, but you will need to avoid any strenuous activity for at least a couple of weeks.
Tuberous breast correction is one of the most dramatic breast surgeries we perform and we consider it one of the most rewarding. There is such a significant improvement in the overall shape, nipple position, and size, as well as overall proportions that the results are often truly life-changing. Tuberous breast correction is one of the most challenging breast surgeries we perform and we take pride in having developed a technique that helps patients with tuberous breasts, often in one surgery.