
Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that removes excess labia minora and reshapes it through a special technique that we’ve developed.
Enhance your genital appearance and comfort with expert labiaplasty surgery in Kenya. Our skilled surgeons provide safe and effective procedures.

Our board-certified surgeons at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre pride themselves on a commitment to patient satisfaction. They go above and beyond to ensure that your cosmetic procedure is the perfect fit for your unique needs.

About Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that removes excess labia minora and reshapes it. We’re proud to say that we’re one of the pioneers in the field of labiaplasty here in Kenya and that we’ve developed our very own special surgical technique that creates a natural-looking, symmetric, and tucked-in shape. Through the advocacy, we have done to normalize discussions about labiaplasty and have women feel more comfortable seeking solutions for themselves, it is becoming more popular. It is one of the most common surgeries we perform at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre. In most cases, the procedure is more than cosmetic; it truly improves a woman’s quality of life.

Often women live with discomfort, and embarrassment, avoidance of certain tight-fitting clothing, and feel self-conscious in their relationships because of labial asymmetry, protuberance, or excessive labial show.

Enhance your genital appearance and comfort with expert labiaplasty surgery in Kenya. Our skilled surgeons provide safe and effective procedures.

 In your consultation, we will do everything we can to make you as comfortable as possible.  We will discuss what your specific concerns are and develop a customized surgical plan for you. We also specialize in non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation options.


Labiaplasty removes excess labia minora and shapes it. It reduces rubbing of the labia in clothing. It reduces pulling and tugging during intercourse. It helps patients feel more comfortable in tight clothing and with exercise.


At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we do not perform bladder lifts since that is a urologic surgery. However, if you want both surgeries to be performed at the same time, we could perform a joint surgery with another surgeon where we operate at the same time.


Labia shape and length is largely genetic. Some changes occur post pregnancy due to hormones or injuries from childbirth. Some patients have lost a lot of weight resulting in excess labia tissues.


Most patients feel significant improvement with intimacy after labiaplasty because removal of excess tissue that pulls or causes discomfort is no longer there. Also for patients who have excess clitoral hood, this excess tissue often blocks the clitoris so reduction helps with sensation and makes it easier for patients to orgasm. Also because patients are more confident with the way their vagina looks the report an improvement in their sex life.


Our surgeons here at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre often perform clitoral hood reduction with labiaplasty. It is not removed, but rather he trims the excess wrinkles or extra folds in order to create a smoother and more balanced shape.


Vaginal rejuvenation is non-surgical and has no downtime. It uses radio frequency to increase collagen to the tissues, tightening it. It also increases blood flow to the vaginal area, which increases moisture and sensation to the clitoris and G-spot, which are two of the specific areas treated.


Asymmetry is very common – in fact, almost half of the patients we perform labiaplasty on are for the asymmetry. We have patients who range from 16-60 who have this surgery done.


The vagina is one of the most important parts of the female body. The vagina should be revered- it is where life is created! Feminine power is one of the strongest forces that exists. And when it comes to intimacy, women want to feel confident about the way they look in this area.

They don’t want to have discomfort when performing activities they enjoy, like yoga, spinning, working out, or worrying when wearing tight leggings or jeans from rubbing. Women should be able to embrace loving their vagina and caring for it like the rest of their body.

At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we are passionate about breaking down any social boundaries or embarrassment when having conversations about the vagina or labia. Many of our patients have suffered for years with discomfort, afraid to talk about the subject.

Women should be able to feel comfortable talking about and loving all parts of their body. 


Most patients feel significant improvement with intimacy after labiaplasty because removal of excess tissue that pulls or causes discomfort is no longer there.

Many patients have excess folds of clitoral hood that sometimes blocks the clitoris when trying to orgasm. For these patients, we also perform a clitoral hood reduction to trim these extra folds that help many with sensation or make it easier to orgasm. The incision is not on the clitoris, rather it removes the excess tissue around the clitoris, so none of the nerves are negatively affected. This is one reason why it is extremely important to have this surgery done by a labiaplasty specialist to ensure it is done as safely and as meticulously as possible.


Over the years, having done hundreds of labiaplasty surgeries, our surgeons have developed a unique and personal technique that involves artistic and meticulous shaping and suturing. The surgery takes us 3-3.5 hours, and we use magnifying lenses for extra precision. Millimeters matter to us! If you inquire about labiaplasty, make sure to ask about the technique. Like everything else, it’s extremely important. 


You should avoid driving or anything that involves sitting directly on the surgical site the first few weeks after your procedure. Driving may be uncomfortable due to the remaining swelling so it is best to take it easy and listen to your body.


No. They will not be able to tell you ever had surgery done! As AJ Plastic Surgery Centre surgeons perform many vaginal rejuvenation procedures, we often see our post-op patients many times after surgery, and honestly, we can usually not find the scar.

We believe that in such a sensitive area, it is critical that it not look like surgery was ever done.  There is also no post-op pain and a quick recovery.  With the technique our surgeons have developed, our patients are able to achieve unparalleled results.


We believe that with plastic surgery, there is always not only a physical change but also an emotional change. Through changing one’s physical appearance, women often feel more confident, more in alignment with what they find to be aesthetically beautiful, and that confidence often manifests itself as being sexier.

So, when you ask if they feel more sexually appealing – the answer is yes, because they feel more comfortable with themselves and more confident.


At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we have developed a gentle technique that has little to no pain and quick recovery. Patients usually do not require pain medication after surgery.

The labia do get swollen after surgery so we have patients apply ointment and ice.

Patients cannot have sex or wear tight clothing for 1 month.


Many women have asymmetry of their labia minora – it is very common. In some cases, one side is much longer than the other, or they have different shapes.

At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we perform labiaplasty surgery to help create a symmetric tucked-in shape.


Yes, at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we often perform liposuction in this area. It helps reduce the bulge or fullness that can sometimes be seen in clothing.


We have developed a special technique that precisely shapes the labia and clitoral hood if necessary.  The “wedge” technique takes a pie-shaped piece out of the labia which leaves behind the dark wrinkly edge that most women don’t like. Also, the wedge technique produces a suture line that is horizontal to the natural curve of the labia that makes it very visible and often pulls apart.

At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we have performed many revisions on wedge labiaplasty surgeries.


 At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we have developed a special technique that has little to no pain. Most patients don’t take pain killers. If you google on the internet, there are horror stories of labiaplasty recovery being excruciating or having bleeding for a month, but it doesn’t have to be this way. It does not hurt to pee or have a period because of the water-tight closure.


Many women seek labiaplasty, so they feel more comfortable in tight clothing. Less rubbing and pain with exercise, so there is less pinching with various activities and intercourse. Many women want to have their labia symmetric tucked in shape for aesthetic reasons or to feel more confident. 

Vaginal rejuvenation helps restore collagen after childbirth or aging and helps increase sensation, tightness, moisture, and smoothness of the skin.

Why is it important? Vaginas are important! Vaginas are the gateway to life. We should cherish it as we cherish the rest of our body.


Yes. Our labiaplasty patients tell us that they feel like they always have to tuck in the excess labia when they are wearing yoga pants, swimwear and leggings.

It is not just for aesthetics, it significantly helps make women feel more comfortable without rubbing, tugging, pulling constantly on the excess labia. 


At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we’ve done a lot of revision labiaplasties on patients who have had this surgery elsewhere and we understand and know what you mean by the bumps. The bumps have to do with irregular and large suturing of the edge.

We have developed a special labiaplasty technique that creates pretty and natural results. The surgery itself takes anywhere from 3 to 4 hours. We think it is super important to make it look like nothing was ever done, the suture line is invisible, and it looks natural.


At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we have developed a special labiaplasty technique that is really gentle and has little to no pain. Most of our patients take one, maybe two tylenol. We have a special way of closing the edge that is watertight, so it does not hurt to pee.


At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we perform clitoral hood reduction with labiaplasty. It is not removed, but rather we trim the excess wrinkles or extra folds in order to create a smoother and more balanced shape. The incision is not on the clitoris, rather it removes the excess tissue around the clitoris, so none of the nerves are negatively affected.

This is one reason why it is extremely important to have this surgery done by a labiaplasty specialist to ensure it is done as safely and as meticulously as possible.


It does not. Labiaplasty only removes excess labia minora and sometimes clitoral hood. In addition to being a specialist in labiaplasty surgery, we also perform vaginal rejuvenation procedures on our patients which use radio frequency technology to tighten the tissues, build collagen to the tissues improving the appearance, and increase blood flow to the tissues which increases sensation and moisture.

While labiaplasty removes tissues and reshapes the labia minora, non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments will improve the remaining tissue and tighten the tissues that have stretched over time. ThermiVA builds collagen and promotes collagen production, so the tightening effect can be felt for up to a month or two after the treatment.

Studies have shown that this procedure increases the number and intensity of orgasms on the clitoris and G-spot.  Many of our patients do a combination of labiaplasty surgery as well as vaginal rejuvenation procedures to achieve their optimum results. 


It depends on the insurance coverage but from what we have seen most consider this to be an elective cosmetic procedure.

Also, this surgery is more than just cutting off the labia – to produce perfect aesthetic results there is a significant amount of artistry and technique involved.


Most of the AJ Plastic Surgery Centre patients who get labiaplasty Surgery do it for improved comfort, greater confidence, and also improved aesthetics. For many women, excess labia tissue or long labia causes pinching, discomfort, or creates a bulge in swimwear or tight clothing that they don’t like. Some women have long extensions that rub or get caught or are painful during sex or intimacy. Some have asymmetry where one side is longer, or they have tears from childbirth.

However, women have labiaplasty with us for aesthetic reasons and we have developed a special labiaplasty technique that creates a beautiful tucked-in, symmetric, natural-looking shape. It’s hard to describe what a significant difference it makes for women – truly, the only way is to see the results. 

After having their labiaplasty surgery, women tell us they feel a sense of peace and confidence. They no longer have to constantly adjust themselves to prevent rubbing or pain. They can confidently wear clothing without having to worry about tucking in the labia that show.

Many of AJ Plastic Surgery Centre patients report they no longer have pain with intercourse. Just not having to worry about or think about their labia or have constant discomfort greatly improves their quality of life. They also feel an increase in pleasurable sensation with intercourse and also that they feel more confident and freer in intimate situations.


Updated on Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

Further Discoveries

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Fillers are used as a procedure to create volume and reshape the face and body. In addition, Injectable fillers can be used for patients who desire a non-surgical option for popular cosmetic procedures like chin implant and rhinoplasty.
Dermabrasion is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses controlled scraping to remove the top layer of the skin, ridding it of impurities.
Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation uses non-surgical technologies to help improve vaginal tightness, urinary incontinence, and overall look of the labia minora and labia majora.
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that can give the nose a more appealing aesthetic by altering the placement and shape of bones and cartilage.
Otoplasty is typically used to reduce the size of the ear or reposition the ears closer to the head.

Our Surgeon Consultants

Consultants in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

The surgeons at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre are registered by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council and recognized by the Kenya Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. They offer a wide variety of non-invasive and surgical procedures to meet all your plastic surgery needs.

With years of experience, surgeons at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre have developed innovative techniques to help patients reach their aesthetic goals.