
Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer or “Natural Breast Augmentation” is a cosmetic surgery procedure using liposuctioned fat from other body parts to modify the size, fullness, and overall look of the breast.
Get a natural-looking breast augmentation with fat transfer surgery in Kenya. Our skilled surgeons provide safe and effective treatments.

Our board-certified surgeons at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre pride themselves on a commitment to patient satisfaction. They go above and beyond to ensure that your cosmetic procedure is the perfect fit for your unique needs.

About Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer also known as “Natural Breast Augmentation” is a cosmetic surgery procedure where fat is liposuctioned from different parts of the body and transferred to the breast. This creates an overall increase in volume and fullness but the amount of volume that you can obtain with a single transfer is around one cup size and the overall shape of your breast remains essentially the same just fuller.

This is ideal for patients who do not feel comfortable having a breast implant or those who want to have a natural-looking breast augmentation. It does not create a round shape like an implant, especially in the upper pole or allow you to go up multiple cup sizes. If your breast tissues are dense or the skin is very tight, there are even more limitations on the volume.

During breast augmentation with fat transfer surgery, the technique for harvesting and transferring fat is extremely important. 


Get a natural-looking breast augmentation with fat transfer surgery in Kenya. Our skilled surgeons provide safe and effective treatments.

The fat that is transferred is living tissue so it is critical to maximizing fat survival for the best possible results.

At the AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we have developed a gentle, multi-phase, liposuction, and fat transfer technique that has very high-fat survival and minimizes complications.


Updated on Thursday, September 5, 2024.

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Our Surgeon Consultants

Consultants in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

The surgeons at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre are registered by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council and recognized by the Kenya Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. They offer a wide variety of non-invasive and surgical procedures to meet all your plastic surgery needs.

With years of experience, surgeons at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre have developed innovative techniques to help patients reach their aesthetic goals.

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