About Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation
Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation uses radiofrequency technology to help improve vaginal tightness, urinary incontinence, and overall look of the labia minora and labia majora. It can also improve intimacy and orgasm by increasing blood flow and sensation to the clitoris and G-spot. We often perform nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation as an adjunct to labiaplasty, a labia procedure that removes and shapes the labia minora.
Childbearing, hormone changes and aging can result in changes in the labia and vaginal tissues. These include vaginal laxity, stress urinary incontinence, loss of vaginal lubrication, a decrease in erotic sensation and loss of tone of the labia majora, as well as external skin changes resulting in baggy or crepey skin.
As we are extremely passionate about the health and aesthetics of female vaginal tissues, at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we are continually at the forefront of the latest technologies in vaginal rejuvenation.
Vaginal rejuvenation is a 30-45-minute procedure that requires no anesthesia and feels like a hot stone massage. It is performed either in the office or in a procedure room. There is no pain and no downtime.
- Before Procedure
- During Procedure
- Results & Recovery
Things You Should Know Before Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation
Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation uses radio-frequency technology to build collagen and improve elasticity to the internal and external vaginal tissues. It also increases blood flow to the tissues in this area and improves sensation. The way that the devices are used and the specific techniques to applying the devices to the tissues greatly affect the efficacy of the treatment. Because our bodies are constantly aging and degrading collagen, it is recommended that patients get maintenance treatments with the non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation device.
No anesthesia is required. Because it is temperature controlled, it is very comfortable, and many patients find it to be very relaxing. You can bring a book, listen to music, or chat with us while you have your procedure.
What Happens During Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation
Both RF and laser treatment heat up the tissues, but they are well tolerated. They can be performed in a clinic setting, often by a nurse or physician’s assistant under the guidance of a board-certified plastic surgeon.
RF treatments are done without anesthesia. Laser treatment of the vaginal canal may be done without anesthesia, but external treatment is typically done with topical anesthesia.
Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Recovery & Results: What to Expect
There is no downtime from this procedure. The tissues treated are initially a little warm and pink but there is no pain. There are no restrictions after the procedure. Patients can resume normal activity the same day. Most patients require two to three procedures to get optimal tightness they desire but will notice results with just one treatment. After they complete the first set of treatments, we recommend once or twice a year for maintenance. Heating the tissues affects the cells producing collagen, so the tightening effect may take a month or two to feel.