About Neck Lift
A Neck Lift is a surgical procedure that tightens the skin and tissues of the neck. It is often combined with facelift surgery or neck liposuction in order to create a balanced and harmonious look. If there is muscle banding, a platysmaplasty is also performed as part of the neck lift to tighten and create smooth contours of the underlying muscles in addition to tightening the skin. Aging or weight loss can cause loosening of the neck skin, which results in the hanging of the neck skin.
Many of our patients feel that they have a turkey neck that shows in photos and would like to improve it. Some patients have fullness in the neck area caused by excess fat deposits or a “double chin.” Liposuction of the neck can be performed with the neck lift to thin these fatty deposits to create sharpness to the jawline and accentuate the results of a neck lift. If patients show signs of aging in the face or have jowls, they may need to have a facelift in addition to the neck lift.
- Before Procedure
- During Procedure
- Results & Recovery
Good to Know Before Neck Lift Procedure
In your Neck Lift consultation at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we will take the time to understand what you hope to achieve as well as do a detailed facial evaluation. As every person’s face is different, we will work together as a team to develop a customized plan to achieve your desired results. As it is important for the face to match the neck, eyes and forehead, we will discuss a comprehensive plan so your entire look is balanced and harmonious.
We will do a detailed consultation, take a complete medical history and conduct a careful examination and develop a customized plan based on your anatomy as well as your aesthetic goals. We consider age, overall health, emotional well-being, as well as expectations for surgery when evaluating a candidate for this procedure. Patients who smoke have a significantly higher risk of wound healing problems. We require patients to have stopped smoking for anywhere from 2 months to a year depending on their smoking history before having surgery.
To minimize the possibility of excess bleeding, you will need to avoid taking drugs containing aspirin, anti-inflammatories, alcohol, or herbal medications two weeks before surgery. You will receive a complete list of medications to avoid and detailed instructions before surgery. We consider the preparation before surgery and your understanding of how to take care of yourself critical to having the best possible results so we will walk you through each part of the process every step of the way.
What Happens During Neck Lift Procedure
For your comfort and safety, neck lift surgery will be performed under general anesthesia. If liposuction of the neck is being simultaneously performed, that will be done first. We will make incisions along the hairline and elevate the skin and fat off the underlying muscles. If muscle tightening needs to be performed, we will make a small incision under the chin in the crease and perform the tightening through that incision.
If the necklift is being performed with a facelift, the incision is connected to the facelift incision and all the tissues are lifted together. Skin is then redraped over the uplifted contours and excess skin is trimmed away. The incision line is meticulously and precisely closed with small sutures and results in a nearly invisible scar. At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we take extreme pride in our attention to detail with every single step of this surgery.
We believe that every part of the surgical team is essential to having a perfect and smooth surgery, so every part of AJ Plastic Surgery Centre team is focused during surgery and pays attention to every detail. We will all ensure that as you enter the operating room and are gently placed under anesthesia you will feel relaxed and calm and excited.
During the neck lift operation, we will all be focused on keeping you warm, comfortable, and cared for. During the surgery, we are gentle and respectful and ensure a positive and calm environment around you. we will also place a numbing solution in your neck so you will not feel pain even though you are under anesthesia.
The procedure may take up to 2-3 hours depending on whether any other procedures are performed at the same time. You may have to spend the first 24 hours in an after-care nursing facility.
Recover & Results: What to Expect
At AJ Plastic Surgery Centre, we have developed a special technique that has minimal pain and a quick recovery. If you do have discomfort, tylenol is usually all that’s needed. You will have some swelling of your neck as well as some bruising, but it is usually very minimal. Most of the swelling and bruising resolves in a few weeks but it will take 3-4 months to see the final result.
Initially you will have a large dressing wrapped around your head neck. You will need to keep this dressing on for the first 2 weeks. You will have surgical drains attached to bulbs hanging at your neck. These will be removed in a few days. Stitches will be removed in approximately 7 days. Tightness in your neck will be present for several weeks.
Most people resume their normal activities within a week or two. Moderate exercise such as walking or stationary biking is allowed after two weeks. Vigorous exercise such as jogging or aerobics may be resumed in 4 weeks. You will most likely be able to return to work after 2 weeks, but you will need to avoid any strenuous activity for at least a couple of weeks.
Scars take about a year to completely fade but they will be nearly invisible even in a few months. You will start scar treatments at around 2 weeks after surgery. We will discuss scar care in detail with you and also provide you with scar medications and products. You should avoid the sun for months after surgery!
We take great pride in creating natural looking results with nearly invisible incisions where patients can truly enjoy their results looking in the mirror every single day.