
Body Contouring

Body Contouring involves reshaping the body by removing fat in a blended and natural way from areas that are resistant to diet and exercise and oftentimes moving the fat to areas that are proportionally smaller.
Achieve your desired body shape with expert body contouring services in Kenya. Our skilled surgeons provide safe and effective treatments.

Our board-certified surgeons at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre pride themselves on a commitment to patient satisfaction. They go above and beyond to ensure that your cosmetic procedure is the perfect fit for your unique needs.

About Body Contouring Procedure

Body Contouring is reshaping the body, creating more desirable proportions in a blended and natural way. Genetically many patients have certain fat distributions that they wish to change – some patients feel they are bottom heavy, some patients feel they are top heavy, and some have excess fullness around their midsection, excess fullness around the bra, and some feel they are too narrow in their hips and butt.

Body contouring involves reshaping the body by removing fat in a blended and natural way from areas that are resistant to diet and exercise and oftentimes moving the fat to areas that are proportionally smaller. The specific procedure and areas depend on each person’s anatomy as well as their desired contour and shape.


What’s Included in the procedure?

Achieve your desired body shape with expert body contouring services in Kenya. Our skilled surgeons provide safe and effective treatments.

As we’ve mentioned before, Plastic Surgery is not an exact science. Every person has a unique anatomy and their own idea of what their body goals should be. This is why consultations  with AJ Plastic Surgery Centre are vital so we can work together to create the best possible plan, customized for your personal needs and goals.


Updated on Monday, September 2, 2024.

Further Discoveries

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Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that removes excess labia minora and reshapes it through a special technique that we’ve developed.
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that can give the nose a more appealing aesthetic by altering the placement and shape of bones and cartilage.

Our Surgeon Consultants

Consultants in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

The surgeons at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre are registered by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council and recognized by the Kenya Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. They offer a wide variety of non-invasive and surgical procedures to meet all your plastic surgery needs.

With years of experience, surgeons at AJ Plastic Surgery Centre have developed innovative techniques to help patients reach their aesthetic goals.

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